Friday, February 20, 2009

What happens to little girls who stand on chairs?

They end up with a broken arm! :( Here is McKenna with her new cast AND her new hair-do! Yes, she was standing on her mini-recliner (HELLO!!!?) and just as daddy told her to get down she went toppling over. She ended up fracturing her wrist in 2 places! The cast, however, is the most beautiful (LOL) shade of flourescent pink adorned with a blue bow -- so there is something good that came out of this! Luckily it was the left wrist but even so she is having a hard time doing much of anything at this point. It's gonna be a long 3 weeks for my little Drama Queen and her mamma....
Oh, and isn't the hair cute?!!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Uh oh! Poor girl ~ poor mom! She looks super cute with her new do!

Miss you girly!